I got a MeMe award from Graceful Yoga and Simplicity! It encourages me to talk about myself and sounds fun, so here goes...
1) share 7 tidbits about yourself
2) share this MeMe Blog Award with 7 blogger friends
Tidbit 1. This is my bike:

Tidbit 2. One of my students (a reader of this blog) gave me this Mary Poppins box set. She was revisiting these books that she had read in childhood, and found that I reminded her of the Mary Poppins in the books (not the movie).

Tidbit 3. I learned about taking on identity from Holy Fools, a Christian clown troupe, in Catholic grade school even though I'm not Catholic. The training was really cool. It included dance and yoga, too. After that we dressed up as clowns (actually we became clowns) and visited a nursing home and hospital to bring in some lightness. Random pic of me:

Tidbit 4. I love taking pictures. This is one I took the other night. I don't know what that frog was doing there during my nighttime walk. It was really dark and I used the "Night Snapshot" setting on my digital camera. The flash caught the enigmatic froggy, but the electrical post, illuminated by the alley light, shows up as a cross in the upper left corner. Amazing.

Tidbit 5. My blog has been a much-valued part of my life over the last year. I think of it as a great relationship. It has brought parts of myself out that I might not have seen otherwise. I have grown tons. I drank many lattes while working on posts.

Tidbit 6. I think Detox 4 Women is a really good book, but hesitate to write too much about it because I think I might be nuts about eating! Not sure if I have clarity here... But I've done other cleanses and fasts, and this book offers a solution that integrates into real life a bit better.

Tidbit 7. I share about my inner workings in this blog because I think that we have a lot in common.
Yoga for Cynics--This blog is one of my favorites. I might like it so much because it honors my inner cynic. I also appreciate Dr. Jay's perspective on yoga and life.
PurePotentiality Coaching--a heartfelt blog.
Svasti: A Journey from Assault to Wholeness--Even though she doesn't share her picture or transactional-life name, I feel like I know her a bit and like her. She shares her life, healing, and yoga/spiritual journey.
My Itchy Third Eye--I like YogaDawg's blog. And I wonder why the "she" in the "He Said, She Said" series is always so down on yoga.
Linda's Yoga Journey--She's really doing her yoga, and shares inspiration and road bumps along the way.
YogaDork--I really want to know: Who is YogaDork? This is an indispensable blog for yoga news and stuff.
Graceful Yoga and Simplicity--Thoughtful blog. I like the posts about the things from her garden.
EcoYogini--Her blog is great for many reasons, but I particularly like her posts about "The Pill" and DivaCup. Thanks EcoYogini! These topics are important.
PurePotentiality Coaching--a heartfelt blog.
Now, This is Yoga--Michelle is livin' her yoga!
Wow...I'm really feelin' the blog love tonight. I appreciate your perspective and think we have a lot in common, as well...particularly now that I see that I don't have the only coffee--fueled yoga blog around...
And, though I can't say much about Mary Poppins, and didn't go to Catholic school, I did write a paper about holy fools in a Medieval lit. class in grad. school...which I actually never got back from the prof., though it was really the first time I seriously messed with the accepted academic writing style...and, as such, though I'm just thinking this now, it may have been an early influence on my blog...hmmmm...
Anyway, thanks for the award, Brooks!
thank you!
I love your bike. And I agree a blog is like a great relationship!
Thank you very much Brooks! I've never read Mary Poppins- the character in the book is much different than the movie?
I really liked this post, reading random tidbits! I'm glad you liked the DivaCup and the Pill posts :)
Thanks Brooks. So now I know what you look like and see you have a great red bike. May try the "things about" idea. There is a lot about YogaDawg that is not in the official bio. As regards, the "He said, she said", suffice it to say that yoga is not as well accepted outside our world as it may appear inside it. Always my best to you.
Did you just re-award me my award! LOL. Thanks! I like the froggy pic. It's always fun to see photos of the person behind the blog, so thanks for sharing.
Thanks, Brooks! Funny, I'm in the midst of doing a cleanse right now. I'm a little odd about food myself. That will probably be one of my tidbits..
Hey Brooks, I've been triple tagged for this award, which I think is just awesome. Its nice to have the lurve flowing.
I really like you and your posts, too. Love your bike, mine can be seen here. Yours is a lot prettier than mine!
I like taking pictures too. I never used to, but I'm getting into it a lot more over time. I use both a proper digital camera and the one on my mobile phone for random shots.
More of those to come.
Once again, thanks for the award - much respect for your blog too!
Great post!
<3 Lindsay
If you've read Mary Poppins by now, I hope you don't think I was suggesting you were just alike!! It's her Magic!! And her spiritual (and spirited) side. Not her vanity and smugness, though I'll grant her those in view of her finer qualities! xox Andy
Really enjoyed class tonight, Brooks! I really couldn't find a segway to say "I found your blog" without sounding creepy. :) See you soon.
Congratulations. I enjoyed your seven tidbits.
Bob Weisenberg
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