
Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The Penis-Flowers

I guess I just realized when I was hanging out with the penis-flowers (see the picture) that through the process of blogging I had come to see a clearer picture of what I write.

Since I taught my first yoga class I have often read poetry to classes. And more and more I find myself sharing my own poetic nature on this blog.

My earlier title: Yoga, the Mind, and Culture, An earnest inquiry into yoga through the filters of study, practice, and personal experience,  was intended to allow space for me to explore whatever I wanted to yoga-wise. I have since realized that it doesn't seem to fit me: Brooks Hall, and what I am doing here, as well as it could. The old title smacks of scientific reductionism and clinical study for me, but it did its intended job well by inviting me to talk about yoga.

So I've been going through a process of creating a new title and found this one: Yogic Muse, Yoga philosophy and poetic inspiration from the heart of a creative yogi. It seems to fit! I intend to continue to write about yoga philosophy, natural inspiration, and yoga as I see it in all its manifestations. So in some ways nothing is changing. But what I want to reveal is my playfulness, my aliveness, my inner beauty, and ecstatic appreciation for the gift of yoga.

And what do the penis-flowers have to do with it? Nothing really. I just thought they were really neat and visually inspiring.


Eco Yogini said...

I LOVE this- it hasn't shown up on my blog site yet- so I was a bit confused at the title and panicked that I somehow 'lost' your site!
Thank the goddess :)

Also- I ADORE the penis flowers. Perfect transition object.

Grace said...

I love your new name. Those are interesting flowers--is that their technical name? LOL. they also look like they're giving someone the finger.

Lisa said...

I like your new name alot too. And you look adorable in that fantastic hat. You totally match your penis flowers too!

Like Grace, I thought the flowers looked like the finger. Glad it wasn't just me - I do have anger issues :)

Charlotte said...

Blogs meld and change as we do which keeps them interesting! A great time to re-think your name and I like the one you have chosen. And your penis-post certainly illuminates your playfulness. Made me look ;)

YogaforCynics said...

Awright, Brooks, ya confused me for a minute, there, but now I got my equilibrium again....

The new name's great, so's the picture...

roseanne said...

Ooooh, it's beautiful! The new banner image is so expressive and joyful, and the new title changes the tone of your whole blog. Great colours! Also, *love* the penis flowers... though I also saw the middle finger at first. Looking forward to more poetic and philosophical musings@

Anonymous said...

Hiya Brooks, I've been meaning to pop by and check out the changes. I've been making a few over my way too!

I've really been enjoying the way your writings are opening up, as you reveal more of yourself and your inner workings here.

And so it all makes sense to me, that you've changed things. Beautiful colours in the photo, too :)

Brooks Hall said...

Thanks for blessing the Yogic Muse and penis-flowers!

Eco Yogini, I like that you called the flowers my "transition object"

Grace and Kavindra! I see "the finger" too!

Charlotte, your comment emboldens me to trust my sense of what to do on this blog!

Thanks YogaforCynics and Roseanne! Joyful, yes!

Svasti! I'm glad it makes sense to you.

Bob Weisenberg said...

I guess I'm just a more positive person--it never occurred to me that these were the "finger" rather than penis-flowers until I read the comments!

I also love your new name. It's very evocative of what you write and nothing if not flexible. I've always liked that word "muse".

Bob Weisenberg

Anonymous said...

i have those same flowers doyou know what they really are?

Brooks Hall said...

Anonymous: A commenter on Facebook said they are "celosia on steroids".