I just want to say, if you ever get a chance to meet people you’ve gotten to know Online (and you want to), do it!
It was so fun to meet Bob Weisenberg and Linda-Sama at Linda’s Yin/Yang Yoga workshop!
Here is Bob reclining during a break from the workshop. We didn’t get to spend much time talking, but it was such a pleasure to meet! Bob is just as friendly in person as he is in his comments and blogging. The sound of his voice is also just as kind, friendly and curious (interested in others) as his writing voice is. His wife, Jane is also beautiful, friendly and fun. When I asked her if Bob spends a lot of time on the Internet (with a laugh), she smiled and shared that she thought it was good for him because he likes it so much, and she can always get him when she needs him.
Linda was squarely in her power as she presented the Yin yoga concepts and practice. Her teaching, like her blog, has an edge and I don’t think that she’d have it any other way. Her voice is really nice and warm. (I always think I can tell a lot from hearing someone speak, by listening to how they speak.) In the Yin practice we stayed in poses for like five minutes, sometimes to the point of pain, and Linda made no bones about the fact that this is a part of the practice. She said something about there being a possibility of seeing the pain and also seeing the “pain of the pain” and that these are two separate things. Pain is something that arises naturally, and the “pain of the pain” is how we react to it. In learning about how we deal with our pain we can be more present to pains as they show up outside of yoga, too.
Both Bob (and Jane) and Linda are real people, and how they show up in their blogs is very much in synch with the people I met this weekend. This has been something that I’ve wondered about: whether people are presenting themselves authentically in their blogs, but everyone I’ve met (so far) has really jived with what I perceived even before I met them in person. But of course it adds so much to see the person, and look at them directly and talk together.