
Saturday, January 1, 2011

Unveiling Mulabloga!

The name of my new blog, Mulabloga, is inspired by mulabandha—for those unfamiliar with this concept, I hope it will be helpful to consider what is happening at and above the pelvic floor in yoga. And for those familiar with mulabandha, you will find that this blog's mission is to go way beyond a muscular action at the base of the pelvis, but it does include that, too.

I find it so helpful and interesting that I am dedicating a few months (at least) to reading, thinking, talking and listening to others, practicing, and writing about this subject and related topics.

* In the above picture, there are four chickpeas resting at the base of the buddha's torso, in the center, right above the lotus feet. After I placed them there, I realized how well they might symbolize my quest for mulabandha. Chickpeas have the potential to germinate, and thereby expressing once-latent life-force energy and possibly growing into a full plant that could produce many more chickpeas—each with its own potential for growth. They also might be cooked (or sprouted) to provide nourishment for others. And I similarly see my inquiry into mulabandha as a potentially nourishing and growth inspiring journey.

Happy January! (Wish me luck!)


KB said...

Good luck! I am looking forward to reading you mulabloga - it sounds like some interesting stuff!

Laura said...

love the chickpea thoughts Brooks...I'm looking forward to checking out your new blog too:)

Unknown said...

You are the forever evolving yogic muse...'
I look forward with gratitude to being one of the recipients of your quest for knowledge of all things yoga.


Cristina De Perfetti said...

Hi Yogic Muse,
I'm back to your blog after several months of absence : it's even more inspiring and exciting. Mulabandha, Muladhara : interesting places to explore, I agree. Energy, power, shaded emotions, mysterious sensations. I will follow you in this search. Through my years of practice, I can feel the effect of empowering the pelvic floor.
Thank you to illuminate the subject from different and unusual points of view.