Afternoon crocus
sunbath. Appreciated
by my yoga-brain.
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You have a very compelling personal story, and I like the way you put it right up front on your web page...
…such is a supreme seeker, fit for all forms of Yoga. He can reach enlightenment in three years.
~ B.K.S. Iyengar, Light on Yoga
There is a great deal of soulful maturation taking place swaddled inside the soft petaled walls of the closed bud. It is a necessary part of life, this turning inward, and I am grateful for the wisdom of nature that teaches me to stay right where I am for as long as I need to be here, safe and healing in my own way, even though there is pain involved. I am speaking of all aspects of healing, body/mind/heart/soul as a fully integrated embodied being. … All I need to do is rest right where I am and have faith that when I’m ready I will indeed open up into a flower that will be different, perhaps wiser and more beautiful than the one that died away so that this new bud could form, incubate and birth another blossom of me into the light.
~ Laura Hegfield